A farmer manages land and animals and undertakes a variety of tasks which may include sowing and harvesting crops, sowing and harvesting grass, spraying weeds, breeding livestock, milking cows, inoculating animals, cutting and harvesting hay and other crops, planting and harvesting fruit and vegetables, mending fences, keeping financial and other records, and planning the strategic direction of the farm which may include a breeding timetable, artificial insemination plans, water management and recycling, managing pests and vermin.
A farmer may perform the following duties:
- sow and harvest crops or grasses
- care for the health and wellbeing of livestock and manage disease in animals
- milk cows, plant trees and vegetables, shear sheep
- use and maintain equipment and machines
- maintain fences and sheds
- keep records
- make annual plans.
- enjoy working outdoors doing practical and manual work
- like working with animals or plants
- happy to work alone a lot of the time
- organised and efficient
- ability to forward plan
- ability to keep accurate financial and other records