Recreation Officer
Job Description
Recreation officers develop, support and coordinate sport and recreation programs and services for the benefit of the community.
Duties and Tasks
Recreation officers may perform the following tasks:
- organise local sporting and recreational events such as community functions and sporting competitions
- develop and/or administer recreation policy
- plan and promote recreation activities, including events
- prepare and/or administer financial estimates, budgets and resource allocations
- deliver recreational services by initiating, organising and coordinating activities such as sporting matches, hobby classes, school holiday programs, public displays, tournaments and cultural activities
- coordinate and arrange meetings and venues
- recruit, train and/or supervise recreation leaders
- liaise with parents, schools, local sporting organisations, church leaders, social workers, community groups and individuals about programs and facilities
- write proposals, evaluations and correspondence
Personal Requirements
- enjoy outdoor activities
- good communication and negotiation skills
- good administration and organisational skills
- able to lead, motivate and supervise other people
- good sport skills and expertise in a specific area such as swimming or outdoor recreation